HealthSignals Launches Wi-Fi As A Service (WAAS) for $1/Day/Room for AL and Skilled Nursing

HealthSignals Launches Wi-Fi As A Service (WAAS) for $1/Day/Room for AL and Skilled Nursing


HealthSignals® Launches Wi-Fi Service for $1/day/room.

King of Prussia, PA: HealthSignals has launched a new service aimed at Senior Living and LTPAC facilities with less than 150 rooms/units called Wi-Fi As a Service (WAAS) for One Dollar a Day Per Room. This service does not require any capital outlay on the part of the facility. HealthSignals will provide monitoring and update of the network for a 5 year period, so the facility does not have to make any changes to their staffing.

Retired woman on wheelchair using laptop.

“We are constantly on the lookout for capabilities that not only give Senior Living Residents the convenience of ubiquitous Wi-Fi but also provides them the comfort of knowing that their network is secure through advanced technology.” said Bruce Weintraub, CEO of HealthSignals. “Many of the senior living leaders we have spoken with want to deploy robust facility wide Wi-Fi but do not have room in their capital budgets. This solution allows them to move forward with all of the Telemedicine and Resident Engagement solutions that the management wants to deploy, immediately.

About HealthSignals®, LLC

HealthSignals® focuses on technology solutions for the 360o needs of Senior Living and Long Term Post-Acute Care (LTPAC) communities. Our Fiber360-WiFi platform uniquely integrates Fiber and Wi-Fi to create a Medical Grade Wi-Fi utility; CareBlanket360 integrates the best of breed technologies from partners for remote sensor data with a PHR (Personal Health record) and family portal.

If you would like more information about HealthSignals, Fiber360 Wi-Fi or CareBlanket360, please call 610-337-1333 or email

HealthSignals Deploys Secure Personal Networks at Twin Lakes Communities


HealthSignals® deploys Secure Personal Networks at Twin Lakes Communities.

King of Prussia, PA: HealthSignals has deployed a leading edge deployment of secure personal networks within a Campus Wide Wi-Fi network at Twin Lakes Communities in Burlington, NC. EasyPass Personal Wi-Fi can give every resident and staff group the ability to create their own secure personal network within the Campus Wide Wi-Fi network. This ensures that only the resident and their family can see their devices, making this an extremely secure deployment with the best of both worlds: campus wide access with personal device security.

“We are constantly on the lookout for capabilities that not only give Senior Living Residents the convenience of ubiquitous Wi-Fi but also provides them the comfort of knowing that their home network is secure and isolated through advanced technology.” said Bruce Weintraub, CEO of HealthSignals. “Twin Lakes is very important to us as our first deployment in North Carolina. They will be a model for other CCRCs and LTPACs in the Carolinas to follow.”

A short video on this new capability from Xirrus®(manufacturer of the technology) is attached below:

About HealthSignals®, LLC

HealthSignals® focuses on technology solutions for the 360o needs of Senior Living and Long Term Post-Acute Care (LTPAC) communities. Our Fiber360-WiFi platform uniquely integrates Fiber and Wi-Fi to create a Medical Grade Wi-Fi utility; CareBlanket360 integrates the best of breed technologies from partners for remote sensor data with a PHR (Personal Health record) and family portal.

If you would like more information about HealthSignals, Fiber360 Wi-Fi or CareBlanket360, please call 610-337-1333 or email

HealthSignals Leads with Wi-Fi Data Insights at LeadingAge Indianapolis

HealthSignals Leads with Wi-Fi Data Insights at LeadingAge Indianapolis

Another amazing conference in Indianapolis! Our education session “Mining Wi-Fi Data for Insights About Your Community” was well attended by an engaged and active crowd of over 60 people. Our sophisticated monitoring and management system for Wi-Fi also gives us amazing insights into how the community functions; who are the most sophisticated users in the community; what are the most popular applications; are we mostly Apple or Android users and how is that changing year to year; are people using more streaming devices etc. Now we have concrete data to answer these and more questions that will inform the community’s decisions in marketing and expansion efforts.

HealthSignals EVP of Engineering was joined by Andrew Dietzel, Director of IT at Garden Spot Village and Charles Moore, Director of IT at Inglis House for this very insightful session. “Our customers were truly the envy of the providers who attended the session.” Says Bruce Weintraub, CEO of HealthSignals.

This was an excellent followup to our session at LeadingAge Boston on “Wi-Fi for CCRCs and LTPACS – Mistakes to Avoid”.

HealthSignals front and center at LeadingAge Boston

HealthSignals front and center at LeadingAge Boston

What a great experience in BeanTown! Our education session “Wi-Fi for CCRCs and LTPACs – Mistakes to Avoid” was attended by over 125 people and the Q&A session was a vigorous discussion of practical tips and checklists for a strategic Medical Grade Wi-Fi deployment. We heard quotes like “This was one of the most productive sessions I attended..” “We enjoyed the open and honest discussions.”

Between our well trafficked booth near the Idea Sharks stage and our Coaching at the Hackfest, it was a very rewarding experience in Boston.

Finally, a special congratulations to Timothy Mock of Laurel View Village and Robert J. Benson of Rolling Green Village, each of whom won a (2.6 Gbps, 802.11ac capable) Xirrus Wi-Fi access. It is our pleasure to offer the gift of connectivity powered by HealthSignals.

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